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Autumn Weather Conditions Are Often Hazardous in California

by | Dec 5, 2020 | Car Accidents

Many people say that fall is their favorite time of year. This may be so, with the respite from summer’s blazing sun and the beautiful autumn leaves. However, there are many elements related to fall that can increase the risks people encounter on the road. Some fall weather conditions may be especially hazardous in a humid state like California.

A large portion of motor vehicle crashes occur due to weather conditions, according to the United States Federal Highway Administration. About 23 percent of all accidents, or almost 1,312,000 every year, are attributed to the weather. Adverse weather is said to injure more than 480,000 people and kill about 6,250 people across the country each year.

Fall Hazards to Watch Out For

When cooler weather rolls in, so do a host of weather conditions that are not traffic-friendly, states Esurance. These include the following:

  • Heavy, unexpected rain or hail storms
  • Severe crosswinds
  • Snow or sleet in some parts of California
  • Early morning glare
  • Dense fog reducing visibility

Not all of the fall factors involved in a collision are weather-related. Now that school is back in session, many children are walking or riding bicycles to and from school. Traffic tends to be heavier before and after school as well, due to parents driving their children. Not surprisingly, this creates a severe pedestrian risk for children, parents and crossing guards. Deer also tend to roam on the roads more in the fall, creating an unexpected hazard on country roads.

Severe Fog Said to be Factor in Highway 4 Crash

A recent accident illustrated the extreme and sometimes unexpected dangers of thick fog. According to Fox 40 News, the driver of a van attempted to cross Highway 4 near Stockton in heavy fog and was broadsided by a pickup truck. The van’s driver and three passengers were killed, and two others received serious injuries. The two men in the pickup truck also sustained injuries.

Drivers may reduce their chances of getting into an accident in poor weather by adjusting their speed and giving other drivers a longer following distance. They should also avoid turning on their bright headlights in fog, which may increase glare.

It is not always possible to avoid an accident even when you are careful. If another driver is being careless and causes an accident in which you are injured, you may be eligible for the compensation of your medical expenses and other losses. You will need to contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible after your accident.
