Fighting For Just Compensation For Over 30 Years

Home 9 Practice Areas 9 Personal Injury 9 Broken Bones And Fractures

Quality Representation To Help You Heal

The force of collision in a motor vehicle accident is huge, enough to wreak havoc on your body. Broken bones and fractures are possible, especially if your body is slammed onto the dashboard or windshield, or if you are ejected from the vehicle. Broken bones are one of the most common injuries in a motor vehicle accident. The results can lead to lifelong disabilities.

If you sustained a traumatic bone fracture in a motor vehicle accident, please contact an experienced personal injury attorney. Since 1985, Law Offices of C. Bradley Hallen​ has represented hundreds of clients seeking compensation for such injuries. After the injury, you are likely unable to work and face mounting medical bills and months of rehabilitation. As your dedicated lawyer, I will focus on all legal matters, while you recover.

Contact Law Offices of C. Bradley Hallen​ today to schedule your free initial consultation.

Many Types Of Fractures Can Occur

Fractures and broken bones resulting from motor vehicle accidents can lead to lifelong complications. You may now have limited movement in your arms, legs, and neck; have to walk with a cane or walker; suffer from debilitating back pain; or have permanent pain throughout your body.

Fractures can occur in many parts of your body, including:

  • Skull and neck
  • Ribs, sternum and collarbone
  • Arms, hands, wrists, fingers, legs (femur), feet, and ankles
  • Vertebrate

I will advocate for you. I am personable, understanding, compassionate, and aggressive. These are the traits you need in an attorney. I am prepared to negotiate to obtain a fair and just settlement for you and your family, and, if necessary, will take your case before a jury in a courtroom trial.

Experienced Guidance When You Need It Most

Painful injuries from broken bones and fractures occur in motor vehicle accidents. Your life has changed dramatically, and you need an experienced and understanding broken bone injury attorney in Encinitas. I am prepared to go after the negligent parties, and I have helped hundreds of people get the fair and just settlements they deserve.

Contact the firm online or call (760) 753-4888 today to schedule your free initial consultation.